SZTE’s Award-Winning Innovation: A Natural Breakthrough in Obesity Prevention
Education, News, StudiesA peer-reviewed scientific paper describing the concept and realization of RotaChrom’s pCPC platform has been presented in the prestigious journal Organic Process Research & Development (OPR&D) published by the American Chemical Society. The article provides detailed insight into the working principle and design of the biphasic liquid system preparation and density-based solvent recycling units of the pCPC. In addition, the chromatographic performance and the continuous operation of the system are demonstrated by a real purification study of a steroid API. As the audience of OPR&D are mainly professionals of the Pharma industry, this publication can facilitate the use of liquid-liquid chromatography in Pharma-related fields. The article can be reached via the following link: or can be read in the next issue of the magazine: